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過去関心 Poughkeepsie の日記


’80、当時大ヒット中だった。 早朝というより真っ暗な夜中「タイタン」転がしながら、FEN岩国から流れる"In The Air Tonight"を聴くのが唯一の楽しみだった。 で、その後ラジオの選曲ボタンをローカルに変えると表題のお題目が唱えられてくる。  ・・・日本ルーテル教会』 曲の背景を読むと、なんとも絶妙なタイミングだったわけ(笑) http://soulkid.blog2.fc2.com/... "I don't know what this song is about. When I was writing this I was going through a divorce. And the only thing I can say about it is that it's obviously in anger. It's the angry side, or the bitter side of a separation. So what makes it even more comical is when I hear these stories which started many years ago, particularly in America, of someone come up to me and say, 'Did you really see someone drowning?' I said, 'No, wrong'. And then every time I go back to America the story gets Chinese whispers, it gets more and more elaborate. It's so frustrating, 'cos this is one song out of all the songs probably that I've ever written that I really don't know what it's about, you know." - Phil Collins 自身の解説>http://jp.youtube.com/watch?... 『どんなに美しい言葉でも愛がなければ相手の胸に響かない・・・の画像